Letter from Principal
Welcome to St. Mary Star of the Sea Elementary School, a family-oriented Catholic school providing excellence in education in downtown Jackson since 1889. With 140 students in preschool through 6the grade, we offer families a loving and structured environment where their children can receive an affordable, faith-based education in a safe and secure location.
At St. Mary, we strive to make sure your child feels like a member of our diverse family. Our focus is on supporting parents in one of their most important roles – the education of their children. Our atmosphere is inviting, our academics are excellent and we encourage high expectations in every area of a child’s life.
Please contact us to learn more about our strong tradition of Christ-centered, whole person education at St. Mary Star of the Sea Elementary School
Our mission at St. Mary Star of the Sea Elementary School is based on the belief that the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical, artistic and social growth of our children is a shared responsibility. Parents, teachers and staff work together to ensure that the education first begun and nurtured in the home continues in a Christian atmosphere characterized by love, respect, honesty and understanding.
Education at St. Mary is focused on building skills, increasing knowledge, developing reasoning ability and learning to make good decisions. We seek to help our students recognize and develop their individual talents as well as understand and affirm the uniqueness of others. A strong religion program, growing out of Catholic faith and worship, is the cornerstone that supports these elements.
Our school offers a dedicated faculty and staff with small class sizes and low teacher to student ratios.
We offer a comprehensive, phonetic-based reading program and strong math programs in all grade levels. We also work with Lumen Christi Catholic School to ensure educational continuity.
In addition to our core academic programs, we offer many additional opportunities for computer instruction and presentation skills; library, organizational and time management skills; music, foreign languages, physical education and art. We view educational materials and technology as enhancements to, and not replacements for, personal interaction.
Students also benefit from our free after school Homework Clinic and our Math Enhancement programs.
We also offer an abundance of public speaking opportunities including leading morning prayer and participating in weekly all-school liturgies.
At St. Mary, religion is much more than a class – it impacts the way we teach, interact and view the world. It is seen in the little things and the big things such as the genuine care and concern for helping each other to be the best we can be for Christ. In addition to weekly Masses, our students participate in many Christian service projects, lead morning prayer and support events such as 40 Days for Life.
Students at St. Mary participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities including music and art, Family Fun Day, special interest clubs and sports.
St. Mary Star of the Sea also offers scholarships and financial aid. If you want to be part of the St. Mary family but are concerned about the cost of Catholic education, please call us. We will help you find a way o fulfill this goal for your family.

Student-to-student mentoring