Letter from Principal
You could say our student-centered approach is written on our walls. The hand-shaped stepping stones, the painted ceiling tiles, the mural of Mary – each of these permanent works of art created and installed on our walls and floors by St. Mary's students are reminders of how much our students love God and how much they enjoy being part of St. Mary Catholic School.
If you are looking for a warm and loving place where your child can flourish at his or her own pace, where the Holy Spirit permeates student life, and where parents are encouraged to be directly involved, look to St. Mary.
Serving students in preschool through 5th grade, our small, vibrant school challenges students academically, forms their faith and nurtures their spirits. We have small class sizes, highly qualified teachers and administrators who truly listen. We offer opportunities to assist in your child’s classroom at all grade levels and an abundance of family-centered activities.
Who knew you could find a hidden gem like this for your child, nestled between Grand River Avenue and the Red Cedar River, and just east of downtown Williamston? We invite you to visit, call or email us today to learn more.
Saint Mary Catholic School is committed to assisting parents in the formation of their children by engaging in a classical education where students unify faith and reason to carry the light of truth to the world. By helping students strive for academic excellence, delight in the gift of learning, and imitate the virtues of Jesus Christ, children will be joyfully compelled to live a life of knowledge, love, and service.
St. Mary implements a student-centered learning model that incorporates multi-age classrooms and assessments to assist each child in reaching his or her potential.
We are fully accredited by the Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools and our teachers are licensed by the State of Michigan and certified in religious education.
In addition to offering personalized instruction in religion, language arts, math, science and social studies, we offer programs in art, Spanish, library, music and physical education. Computer education is integrated throughout the learning process.
Students with special needs have access to services at St. Mary School through the Williamston Community Schools Special Education Department.
In addition to regular daily religious instruction, students at St. Mary learn how to live their lives filled with prayer and worship.
Each day our students join together to pray a morning Hail Mary for peace, the Angelus before lunch and the prayer for Divine Mercy at the end of the day. Our students also attend Mass four mornings a week, where students in grades 1st through 5th assist with the Mass celebration serving as lectors, ushers, servers and cantors.
Throughout the school year, students can be heard praying the Stations of the Cross on Fridays in Lent and the rosary in the month of May.
For elementary students, many times it is the special celebrations and activities throughout the year that can be most enriching. A great example of this at St. Mary is our All Saints Festival held each year at the end of October. Organized by dedicated parents, this celebration is a wonderful opportunity to introduce the children to the heroes of our faith with carnival games, prizes, treats and lots of fun.
From teacher support and special celebrations to caring for our surroundings and fundraising, parents, siblings and grandparents always are welcome. In addition to our fun and meaningful activities, St. Mary students have an opportunity to compete in athletics through the Lansing Catholic Youth Activities Conference.

220 North Cedar St.
Williamston, MI 48895
United States