Letter from Principal
Welcome to St. Mary Catholic School in Charlotte. We are a growing school serving children in preschool through grade 8. At St. Mary, we care about the whole child. Our small, family-oriented school offers a highly qualified teaching staff who love and nurture students, academic excellence, and a substantial range of athletic, social and Christian service opportunities.
You can tell from the joy on our students' faces each morning as we join together in prayer, that along with valuing academic excellence, we are dedicated to helping students become great examples of what it means to be disciples of Christ.
We truly care about your child’s whole person. Our highly qualified teachers and staff are dedicated to ensuring outstanding academics, character development and faith formation for each and every child in our school.
If you are looking for a small school with strong academics and a Christian focus in a family atmosphere, come visit St. Mary Catholic School in Charlotte.
Shaping hearts and minds in the service of Christ.
Students at St. Mary benefit from a supportive environment and small student-to-teacher ratios in the classroom. Our highly qualified teachers support active learning, which has led to above-average test scores for our students. In addition, we are continuously working to improve our curriculum and use educational partners such as Mathletics to ensure we are teaching our students the best way possible. We also have dedicated volunteers who help enrich our students’ education by providing different learning opportunities for students of all levels.
Along with our core offerings of math, reading, social studies and science, we have teachers who specialize in art, computers, Spanish and music. Our hallway and classroom walls are filled with our students’ inspired artwork and other projects. We also transport students who are interested in band to classes at Charlotte public schools.
At St. Mary, we teach our students to integrate prayer, love and service into their daily lives. We start and end each school day together with the entire school gathered in prayer. We also have weekly Mass, sacrament preparation, reconciliation and adoration. In addition, students are encouraged to lead and take part in all of the school’s faith-based activities and programs.
We are dedicated to providing students with many social, athletic and service opportunities. In addition to sports teams, academic teams and service groups, the entire school participates in a yearly Christmas musical.
Students at St. Mary always are looking for ways to help others. From helping parishioners in need to hosting a “Read to Feed” month where students help people in third-world countries, to feeding the hungry at St. Vincent de Paul each month, to our after school service learning group, Kids of the Cross, our students are encouraged to explore the world through service.
We also are involved in the Catholic youth league for sports, including all Jr. Cougar athletics offered through Lansing Catholic High School.
If you are interested in sending your child to Catholic school, but are concerned about the cost, come talk to us. There are many things we can do, including scholarships, a monthly tuition payment plan, and other ways to help make it possible.