Letter from Principal
Welcome to St. John Vianney Catholic School where we offer a safe and nurturing place for academic, spiritual and social growth to more than 175 students in preschool through eighth grade. From the diverse religious, economic and ethnic backgrounds of our students, to the exceptional educational opportunities we provide through our partnership with nearby Powers Catholic High School, we are a unique alternative for families who live or work in Flint.
At St. John Vianney, you will find a family-friendly community where parents are encouraged to be involved in their child's education at all grade levels. Whether it is volunteering in the school, serving on committees, or by teaching an elective class related to their profession or interests, our parents are active partners in their child's education.
We are a strong learning community where families feel welcome and children feel challenged to realize their God-granted personal potential. If you are looking for a safe school with high academic standards and faith-inspired values for your child, visit St. John Vianney Catholic School.
The purpose of St. John Vianney Catholic School is to be a faith-filled community that assists families in raising Christian students who, guided by the Holy Spirit, make a difference in our world as caring and educated people with the knowledge and strength to make responsible decisions.
St. John Vianney offers certified and highly-qualified teaching staff, high academic expectations and involved parents. These essential components create academic excellence for all grade levels at our school. In addition, the middle school students at St. John Vianney benefit from our unique partnership with Powers Catholic High School, which allows seventh and eighth grade students to attend advanced classes and do band and choir work at the high school. From preschool to middle school, we offer unique electives during two quarters, where parents and local professionals teach a variety of classes on everything from foreign languages and culture to web design.
At St. John Vianney, you will find an environment that celebrates faith and encourages students to live their daily lives for the glory of God. Christian values and beliefs are woven into each and every part of our day – it is in the way we take care of our students, families and staff; in the way we participate in Christian service projects that help local people in need; and in the way our students plan and participate in our weekly Mass services.
Opportunities abound at St. John Vianney for students to explore their non-academic interests by participation in activities such as sports teams, chess club, choir and band. We offer an extensive band and choir program. Seventh and eighth graders have band and choir at Powers Catholic High School four days a week. Our sports offerings vary by season and include baseball, basketball, football, softball and volleyball.
St. John Vianney welcomes students of all faiths and economic situations. Scholarships are available from preschool through eighth grade.

2 times a week students attend P.E., technology and vocal music;
and once a week students have art and library.